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MUSX Music Theory quizzes help you to quickly learn at home or in class. They are great fun, FREE and work on all your devices. No login or membership is required.
Thousands of Questions & Answers
Each short quiz asks you questions on a different topic helping you to quickly and successfully remember the correct answers. Choose questions from your favourite syllabus — AMEB, ABRSM or Trinity — the choice is yours.
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Master each quiz and master your next exam!
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After submitting each FREE quiz you will receive your results and a printable certificate.
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Choose your syllabus and then topic below. Each quiz asks questions from a different topic and there are thousands of randomised questions and answers. Take each quiz multiple times until you have mastered each topic. Every time you repeat a quiz you’ll get new questions.
New questions are being added all the time.
Grade One AMEB Music Theory Quiz
Take a FREE quiz with questions based on the AMEB music theory syllabus (Australian Music Examinations Board). Each quiz asks questions from a different topic. After submitting a quiz you will receive your assessment and a printable certificate. Take each quiz as many times as you like to improve your results.
1. Pitch Treble Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in treble clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
2. Pitch Bass Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in bass clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
3. Keys and Scales
4. Intervals
5. Chords
20 Quiz Questions
Writing the tonic triad in root position in the keys of C, G and F major in the treble clef.
6. Time and Rhythm
7. Transposition Treble Clef
8. Transposition Bass Clef
9. Terminology
Grade One ABRSM Music Theory Quiz
Take a FREE quiz with questions based on the ABRSM music theory syllabus (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). Each quiz asks questions from a different topic. After submitting your quiz you will receive your assessment and a printable certificate. Take each quiz as many times as you like to improve your results.
1. Rhythm
2. Time and Ties
3. Pitch Treble clef
20 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in treble clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
4. Pitch Bass clef
20 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in bass clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
5. Keys and Scales
6. Intervals Treble Clef
7. Intervals Bass Clef
8. Tonic Triads Treble Clef
20 Quiz Questions
Writing the tonic triad in root position in the keys of C, G and F major in the treble clef.
9. Tonic Triads Bass Clef
20 Quiz Questions
Writing the tonic triad in root position in the keys of C, G and F major in the bass clef.
10. Terms and Signs
Grade Two ABRSM Music Theory Quiz
Take a FREE quiz with questions based on the ABRSM music theory syllabus (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). Each quiz asks questions from a different topic. After submitting your quiz you will receive your assessment and a printable certificate. Take each quiz as many times as you like to improve your results.
1. Time Signatures
2. Musical Signs
3. Pitch Treble and Bass Clef
4. Scales
5. Tonic Triads
20 Quiz Questions
Tonic triads in root position in the keys of A, Bb and Eb major as well as A, E and D minor.
6. Keys Signatures and Scale Degrees
25 Quiz Questions
Scale degrees and key signatures of A, Bb and Eb major as well as A, E and D minor.
7. Intervals Treble Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Diatonic intervals above the tonic in the treble clef by number from the major scales.
8. More Intervals Treble Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Diatonic intervals above the tonic in the treble clef by number from the harmonic minor scales.
9. Intervals Bass Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Diatonic intervals above the tonic in the bass clef by number from the major scales.
10. More Intervals Bass Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Diatonic intervals above the tonic in the bass clef by number from the harmonic minor scales.
11. Terms
Grade Three ABRSM Music Theory Quiz
Take a FREE quiz with questions based on the ABRSM music theory syllabus (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music). Each quiz asks questions from a different topic. After submitting your quiz you will receive your assessment and a printable certificate. Take each quiz as many times as you like to improve your results.
1. Time Signatures and Groupings
2. Pitch Treble and Bass Clef
3. Tonic Triads
4. Key Signatures
Grade One Trinity Music Theory Quiz
Take a FREE quiz with questions based on the Trinity music theory syllabus (Trinity College London). Each quiz asks questions from a different topic. After submitting your quiz you will receive your assessment and a printable certificate. Take each quiz as many times as you like to improve your results.
1. Pitch Treble Clef
20 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in treble clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
2. Pitch Bass Clef
20 Quiz Questions
Naming notes in bass clef. Recognising the sharp, flat and natural symbols.
3. Keys and Scales
25 Quiz Questions
Key signatures, scales and scale degree numbers.
4. Intervals Treble Clef
5. Intervals Bass Clef
6. Tonic Triads and Arpeggios Treble Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Writing the tonic triad and arpeggios in root position in the keys of C, G and F major in the treble clef.
7. Tonic Triads and Arpeggios Bass Clef
25 Quiz Questions
Writing the tonic triad and arpeggios in root position in the keys of C, G and F major in the bass clef.
8. Rhythm and Time
9. Words and Musical Symbols
Music syllabus
The questions in a MUSX music theory quiz are styled on each unique syllabus of the AMEB, ABRSM and Trinity. You can learn more about each specific syllabus by visiting the links to these websites below.